Sunday, August 23, 2020
Tips for Using a Tree as a Hedge Plant
Tips for Using a Tree as a Hedge Plant Supports give protection and excellence inâ landscapeâ design. Numerous trees are appropriate for fences, yet its imperative to consider the motivation behind the support and the developing states of the site while choosing a tree. Different tree species will have various qualities and site needs. Choosing Trees for Hedges Recall that you should devote considerably more space to a tree than to bushes. Comply with the trees least dividing necessity, which can be found at your nursery. Deciduous trees in a fence for the most part give screening just throughout the spring/summer developing season. Evergreen trees, both wide and restricted leaved sorts, are viable all year supports. Now and again a blooming tree is alluring. Such trees might be pruned occasionally yet ought to be permitted to develop in their regular casual shape. Planting The planting space required will differ dependent on the kind of tree and the motivation behind the support. Generally, you should devote more space to a tree than to shrubs.â Conifers utilized for tall screens require small cutting and ought to be divided around six feet separated. Trees for casual or untrimmed fences ought to be dispersed farther separated than cut supports. To guarantee a thicker support, place plants in a twofold line. Preparing and Care Trees don't accept preparing and pruning just as bushes. Most trees can't be restored by pruning back to ground level. Trees don't fill in also when topped - and most ought not be topped. Bushes will develop to fill the fence a lot speedier than trees. Since trees take more time to occupy in space and are planted farther separated, the underlying planting may look inadequate and take quite a long while to accomplish their ideal appearance. Be patient and give your tree the time it needs. Suggested Trees for Windbreaks and Privacy Hedges White Fir or Abies concolorâ (grows to 65): This enormous, evergreen tree has a silver-green to blue shading and isn't as incredible as other huge evergreens.American Arborvitae or Thuja occidentalis ( grows to 30): These trees are valuable for windbreaks or screens. Try not to use in blistering dry situations.Amur Maple or Acer ginnala (develops to 20): Dense and minimal, this tree requires small pruning and is helpful for enormous windbreaks and screens.Carolina Hemlock or Tsuga caroliniana (develops to 60): This thick reduced evergreen tree can be utilized for windbreaks or screens.Cornelian Cherry or Cornus mas (develops to 24): This is a thick and minimized tree that develops little yellow blossoms toward the beginning of April and red organic product in the summer. American Beech or Fagus grandifolia (develops to 90): Another thick smaller tree that is valuable for windbreaks or screens. It is normally costly and might be hard to transplant. American Holly or l lex opaca (develops to 45): A prickly expansive leaved evergreen with vivid natural products, the tree might be winter harmed in northern regions. Chinese Juniper or Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’ (develops to 20): This is a free evergreen with light-medium green leaves and a pyramidal form.Canaerti Juniper or Juniperus virginiana ‘Canaertii’ (develops to 35): This is an Eastern red cedar cultiva with dull green leaves and pyramidal form.Osage Orange or Maclura pomifera (develops to 40): Use this thick and minimal prickly propensity just for tall supports where different plants won’t endure. Its helpful for windbreaks or screens. Leyland cypress (develops to 50): This quickly developing, wonderful, and thick conifer can rapidly grow out of its space and subject to significant blister sickness. Plant with caution.Norway Spruce (develops to 60): This thick conservative restricted leaved evergreen tree needs steady shearing yet is valuable for windbreaks or screens.Eastern White Pine or Pinus strobus (develops to 80): This is another thick smaller evergreen that necessities shearing howeve r is helpful for windbreaks or screens.Douglas fir or Pseudotsuga menziesiiâ (grows to 80): Heres another thick minimized evergreen tree phenomenal for windbreaks or screens. Nonetheless, it very well may be hard to develop in certain areas.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blockbuster Hbr Case Essay Example for Free
Blockbuster Hbr Case Essay One of Blockbuster’s greatest worth drivers is geographic area. The vast majority, especiall in urban zones live quite near a Blockbuster area. Accessibility of titles is likewise a worth driver that not all video stores can give. Their notoriety is likewise a worth driver. Economies of scale are one of Blockbuster’s biggest cost drivers. The capacity to haggle with film studios with influence while their rivals can’t as adequately win lower costs for stock buys gives an enormous bit of leeway. The previously mentioned reasons are ammo to defened against contenders. Geographic area and utilizing the brand name acknowledgment are two of the most significant favorable circumstances that Blockbuster has that none of its rivals can without much of a stretch survive. After the arrangement of Blockbuster, the primary major innovative substitute to tag along was the DVD (the computerized adaptable circle) and the DIVX (advanced video express plate). There was a savage fight between these two adversary substitutes as they battled. Both were hoping to turn into the sole innovation that would supplant VHS. Blockbuster stayed uninvolved for the initial not many years after these advances were presented despite the fact that 8 significant movie studios had focused on either DIVX or DVD (6 for DIVX and 2 for DVD) Once Antioco had made a decsion as to back DVD for a huge number of reasons, Blockbuster’s choice would prompt the end of DIVX. Antico concluded that DVD offered the most guarantee. They were increasingly far reaching, DVD player units were all the more promptly accessible and they were less expensive. About a year after Blockbuster chose to back DVD, Circuit City chose to abandon the DIVX innovation. Blockbuster likewise confronted rivalry from consumer’s decsion to purchase DVDs rather than leasing them(sell through). Antioco considered this to be a potential danger and chosen to sell through utilized DVDs at a markdown at Blockbuster stores. Alongside certain advancements, for example, a free rental with the acquisition of a film, Antioco’s plan was relied upon to significantly increase Blockbuster’s portion of the video deals advertise. In 2003 Disney built up an innovation much like DIVX called EZ-D. The arrangement was dispense with the arrival of leased recordings as the plate would be discared 48 hours in the wake of opening in light of the fact that a compound would render it pointless. The innovation at last bombed as Blockbuster didn't back the innovation in light of the fact that for only a couple of dollars more (EZ-D plates retailed at $5-$7) customers could by and large buy a DVD with boundless use. One of the most up to date substitutes to compromise blockbuster is online video deals. This market is cannabilizing Blockbuster’s sell through numbers and Blockbuster is countering with their own online deals. Another is home conveyance administration. Despite the fact that this administration had guarantee with in excess of a couple of firms, they all fizzled for a huge number of reasons and never represented a genuine danger. Netflix, a video membership administration with no late charges is likewise a substitute that Blockbuster is confronting. After much introductory achievement, Blockbuster chose to begin their own membership valuing model in which purchasers can pay a level expense every month for unlimitied rentals at their retail outlets. In the end including the component where shoppers can select to either get/return the circles through the mail like netflix or to get/return them at a retail store to fulfill a quick need. This choice gives them an upper hand over Netflix. Blockbuster Hbr Case. (2018, Oct 22).
Friday, July 10, 2020
Introduction of a College Essay Samples
Introduction of a College Essay SamplesThe introduction of a college essay samples should be based on the topic that has been mentioned in the college essay outline. There is no need to delve deep into the history of the college and use a lot of textual elements to build a foundation for the college essay samples.The first thing that you should do is research the topic of the sample. Keep in mind that the topic of the sample is actually an abstract for the college essay samples. If it is the history of Harvard University or it is the life of Abraham Lincoln, then the introduction of a college essay samples may be based on these topics. However, if it is just a college essay sample, then it needs to be based on the topic that has been mentioned in the college essay outline.It is advisable to include the introduction of a college essay samples with the college essay outline. After all, you will never know how the college essay samples will turn out unless you have included the outline with the sample. You can have a look at the outline and see what kind of ideas it has.The introduction of a college essay samples also needs to have some introductory and closing statements that you think will be a good touch to it. There are some that can be used without these, but if you want to incorporate them, they must not be too heavy. If they are too heavy, then you might end up reading a lot of the introduction, which will actually not help you prepare for the college essay samples.After these statements, you should use examples from the sample that you are using. You may include examples that come from historical records, such as a newspaper clipping, some written accounts, etc. There are some colleges that will ask the student to write about something that is related to the topic that is being taught in the college.Make sure that the examples are similar to the writing style that you are using. Otherwise, you will end up writing something that is different from what you a re writing. After you have created the samples that you want to use, you can just go ahead and prepare them.However, if you are unsure about the topics and examples you have created, you can talk to the professor at the college and he will also guide you. But, if you are not sure about the sample, then you can just create your own.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay on Juvenile Death Penalty - 3656 Words
A 16 year old boy is at the peak of their adolescent life, learning and discovering about puberty, maturity, right and wrong and future life goals. On the other hand, a man of 25 has matured, lived long enough to have made both good and bad judgments and has already been in the process of achieving those life goals they once thought of as a teenager. In a given situation, is it ethical to hold these two age groups, with mentalities that are worlds apart, to the same standards and punishments in the justice system? Until Roper v. Simmons in 2005, the justice system did just that, treat the actions of 16 year old with the same consequences as if they had been committed by an adult. In Roper v. Simmons the United States Supreme Court declared†¦show more content†¦Is it then ethical to sentence a person with undeveloped reasoning and thinking skills to the death penalty if they cannot fully comprehend the consequences of their actions? If adolescents are being considered to have diminished reasoning and thinking skills, how then do they compare the mentally ill? Do the same standards apply? If so, then the case of Atkins v. Virginia, in which it was declared by the U.S. Supreme Court that the mentally handicapped would not be sentenced to the death penalty, would be essential to the cause opposing juvenile death penalty. It is not denied that these juveniles have committed horrendous crimes and should be held accountable for their actions, but certain mitigating circumstances negate the need for a death penalty. In the United Sates, the first juvenile death penalty recorded occurred in 1642 of a minor under the age of 18 and the youngest person ever given the death penalty was ten-year old James Arcene in 1885 for robbery and murder (Strater, 1994-1995). By 1994 there were only 9 states, among which were New Jersey, Kansas, and Maryland, that prohibited the death penalties for juveniles. In 2003 the number of states permitting capital punishment declined to 21, a number of them allowing this punishment to those as young as 16 (Steinberg Scott, 2003). Since the days of the first juvenile execution approximately 362 more juveniles have beenShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty For Juveniles946 Words  | 4 Pages The death penalty for minors differs greatly from the death penalty for adult. The law that minor could be put on death row was decided to rule against the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment prohibits the act of â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment†which putting minors on death row breaks. On March 4, 2005 the law that minors could not be put on death row for their actions was set into place. The new laws say, â€Å"They cannot punish a minor by death penalty and they cannot punish someone for a crimeRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles1169 Words  | 5 PagesResearch Paper: Death Penalty for Juveniles Capital punishment for juveniles is one of the most controversial topics to ever be explored in society and in the criminal justice system. The death penalty is a rare occurrence amongst juveniles since it is so arguable as to whether they should be tried as adults. Lynn Cothern from the Juvenile Justice Resource Center suggests that â€Å"the primary purpose of the juvenile justice system is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for delinquent acts whileRead MoreThe Death Penalty and Juveniles2945 Words  | 12 PagesThe Death Penalty and Juveniles CJA433 The Death Penalty and Juveniles In the United States, the death penalty is an issue because of its controversies. Some people see it as a punishment. Some people say â€Å"an eye for an eye,†and believe this is the way to stop youth offenders from following the path of crimes such as murders. This does not only pertain to the youth but also to the adults. Others believe the death penalty to be cruel and unusual punishment even for the adults. In the law, juvenilesRead MoreJuvenile and the Death Penalty1817 Words  | 8 PagesENG101 Dr. Ankerberg March 6, 2007 Essay #2 Juveniles and the Death Penalty Today, minors are using their age as a shield against capital punishment. Adolescents believe that since they are not eighteen they will not be punished for the crimes they commit. The death penalty is appropriate for juveniles in certain circumstances, such as murder and brutal crimes that are considered capital offenses. The rate at which the death penalty is carried out, as well as inconstancies in sentencingRead MoreJuveniles and The Death Penalty Essay1604 Words  | 7 PagesJuveniles and The Death Penalty *No Works Cited One of the most controversial issues in the rights of juveniles today is addressed in the question, Should the death penalty be applied to juveniles? For nearly a century the juvenile courts have existed to shield the majority of juvenile offenders from the full weight of criminal law and to protect their entitled special rights and immunities. In the case of kent vs. United states in 1996, Justice Fortas stated some of these special rightsRead MoreJuvenile Death Penalty Essay1353 Words  | 6 PagesJuvenile Death Penalty One of the most controversial questions in the juvenile justice system today is, Should the death penalty be applied to juveniles?†. A lot of people think that the death penalty for juveniles is cruel and unusual punishment and should only be used for adults. The crimes that juveniles commit are as dangerous and as violent as adult crimes. People argue that the adolescent brain does not mature until the late teens or early twenties, and that death penalty should not be theRead MoreEssay on Juvenile Death Penalty1824 Words  | 8 PagesDeath at 18? One of the most controversial issues in the country today is addressed in the question, Should the death penalty be applied to juveniles, and if so how young is too young? The death penalty has been in the United States for many, many years, and the United States still has yet to figure out how to solve all its dilemmas and whether or not the penalty is right or wrong. Debates about the use of the death penalty for juveniles have grown more intense because of the recent demand forRead MoreEssay on No Death Penalty for Juveniles2164 Words  | 9 Pagesthat the death penalty is, â€Å"the punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime.†Capital crimes array from murder to drug trafficking. In the United States the death penalty is mostly administered towards first-degree murder, with non-murder crimes varying by state. â€Å"Currently, only 58 nations actively practice the death penalty, with 96 countries having abolished it, the rema inder have not used the death penalty for 10 years or only allow for death in exceptionalRead MoreThe Juvenile Death Penalty: A Case For It1583 Words  | 7 Pagesschool with a 3.5 accumulative grade point average, pulling a 4.0 grade point average from the time of my expulsion on. I walked across the same stage as the athletes, the band geeks, the book worms and the teacher’s pets. An expelled student with a juvenile record walked across the same stage as the full ride scholarship earners and the Valedictorians. Today, I am attending the University of Northern Colorado, double majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology. I received a 3.4 grade point average myRead More Death Penalty Applied to Juveniles Essay1684 Words  | 7 PagesDeath Penalty Applied to Juveniles      In 1643 a sixteen year old boy was put to death for sodomizing a cow. Three hundred and fifty years later, sixteen states have legitimized the execution of juveniles. Four of those twelve states have lowered the legal age of execution to twelve. For whatever reasons the death penalty has been supported by the public since this countrys existence. In this day and age of increasing violence, both juvenile and adult, it is time to re-examine the use
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka - 843 Words
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka was a tremendous success. â€Å"Metamorphosis refers to a major change of form or structure during development†(Britton). The Metamorphosis pertains to a man by the name of Gregory Samsa who awakes to find himself as a bug. Samsa is portrayed as a character who is alienated because of his transformation. His mother faints at the mere sight of Gregory, his father feels disgust towards Gregory, and his manager runs away in fear, but only his sister, Grete, attempts to care for Gregory. Grete continued to care for him regardless of this transition, but his dependence on her seems to have run her patience thin because he could no longer earn money and had also become a hindrance to the family physically, mentally, and financially. This could be related to Kafka in that he felt alienated throughout his life. Kafka’s father also ignored him and his mother never cared enough to show intellectual understanding towards his interests. Although Gr egory transformed into a bug, he exhibited the fact that he still had a human brain. The Metamorphosis seemed to show what it means to be yourself, but also that to be yourself, you risk alienation. Gregory soon realized his burden to his family so he feels that to be useful in his current state, he must die so he starves himself to death. This was what Kafka must have felt as he was on his death-bed as he never received his father’s approval, his mother’s understanding of his profession, his sister’s love, or evenShow MoreRelatedThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka1052 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Kafka wrote one of his most popular books, The Metamorphosis, during the literary period and movement of existentialism. His novella stresses many existential ideals. The most predominant ideal that is seen through Gregor Samsa and his father in The Metamorphosis is that choice is the opportune of the individual. One’s ultimate goal in life is to successfully find a balance between work and leisure. It is through the juxtaposition of Gregor Samsa and his father, the conceding tone of the authorRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka867 Words  | 4 Pagesincluding rapid growth spurts. Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an animal physically develop after birth or hatching. Involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt changes in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation. The author Franz Kafka, who relatively wrote little in his short life and who published less has been enormously influential on later writers. He is considered an export of German expressionism. The metamorphosis is Kafka’s longest story and oneRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka Essay1496 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The metamorphosis,†is a story by Franz Kafka, published in 1915 is a story divided in three chapters: transformation, acceptance, and the death of the protagonist. There are many interpretation s that can form this tale as the indifference by the society that is concerned with different individuals, and isolation pushing some cases to the solitude. Some consider The Metamorphosis as an autobiography of the author, which tries to capture the loneliness and isolation that he felt at some pointRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1246 Words  | 5 PagesIt can be hard to understand the meaning of the novella â€Å"The Metamorphosis,†written by Franz Kafka, without thinking of the background. Due to the fact that, â€Å"using†and knowing â€Å"[the] background knowledge†of a story is important to read a â€Å"text†(Freebody and Luke). In the novella â€Å"The metamorphosis†, â€Å"Kafka’s personal history†has been â€Å"artfully [expressed]†(Classon 82). The novella was written in 1916, before the World War 1 in German {Research}. When the novella was written, in the EuropeRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1380 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself†: A Psychoanalysis reading of â€Å"The Metamorphosis†by Kafka The Metamorphosis is known to be one of Franz Kafka’s best works of literature. It demonstrates the interconnection between his personal life and the protagonist, Gregor Samsa, of â€Å"The Metamorphosis.†Franz Kafka was born in 1883 and grew up in a financially stable Jewish family in Prague. He was the only son left after the death of his youngerRead MoreThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka656 Words  | 3 PagesMuch of Franz Kafkas story â€Å"The Metamorphosis†spends its time talking about Gregor as he struggles to live his new life as a bug. Gregor tries to find a analytical reason as to why he has taken upon this form but later on finds on that he has to accept the truth. From being an ordinary travel salesman and provider for his family to a abomination, Gregor becomes hopeless as he cant work or provide for his family. His new life as an insect causes a hardship as he is faced with isolation from hisRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka783 Words  | 4 Pages In the story â€Å"The Metamorphosis†, written by Franz Kafka, Gregor’s family represents the causing factor that prompts Gregor to become a cockroach. Gregor’s family is a symbol of a repressive structure that inhibits Gregor’s every thought and action. When Gregor gets up in the morning to get ready for work and finds that he has been transformed into a cockroach, he ponders about how maybe he should just go in to work late and get fired, but then realizes that he cannot because â€Å"if [he] were not holdingRead MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka947 Words  | 4 PagesThe Metamorphosis is a novella written by German author Franz Kafka which was first published in 1915. The novella tells the story of Gregor Samsa, a traveling salesman who one day awoke to discover he had transformed into an insect like monstrosity. Throughout the story, Gregor struggles with the horrible prospect of coming to terms with his situation, as well as copin g with the effects of his transformation, such as the fact that his family is repelled by his new form, and that he is no longerRead MoreThe Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka1021 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Kafka’s, The Metamorphosis, is a novella about Gregor Samsa, a man who devotes everything to fulfilling the needs of his family. Kafka’s existentialist perspective on the meaning of life is illustrated through the use of the protagonist of Gregor Samsa. Existentialism is a philosophy â€Å"concerned with finding self and the meaning of life through free will, choice, and personal responsibility†(Existentialism). Gregor is unable to fulfill the existentialist view of finding meaning in one’s life;Read MoreThe Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka1050 Words  | 5 PagesOn the surface, â€Å"The Metamorphosis†by Franz Kafka is an evocative story of a man transformed into a â€Å"monstrous vermin†. It seems to focus on the dark transformation of the story’s protagonist, Gregor, but there is an equal and opposing transformation that happens within Gregor’s family. Although Gregor has physically changed at the beginning of the story, he remains relatively unchanged as the novella progresses. The family, on the other hand, is forced to drastically change how they support themselves
Keeping Company Essay Example For Students
Keeping Company Essay Nora smiles at two men at the beginning of the story, and William is giving herthe evil eye. Does he really not trust her that much? When Nora goes to walkon the beach, it reminds me of when we go to Corpus Christi. I love to go andwalk on the beach. Nora talks about the child as if she is already born. Ithink that is wonderful. Dont bother with them, Nora. Theyre not ourkind When William says this, it reminds me of my best friend, and herboyfriend. Nora seems like an outgoing lady, and likes to mingle. But whenshe gets caught playing games with James, William builds a wall between the twohouses. Does William really not trust her that much? The wall isholding, he says. Can you believe it? I say, Yes, I believe it. Does William really think that the wall is going to hold the relationshipbetween Dennis and James and Nora? I love the way she finally stands up toher husband, and just walks out. William has to come and find her. He realizesthat he is in the wronging. I love the way she makes him realize that. simply walk forward in silence, which is the way it is between husbandsand wives, with married people Is this really true? This story was veryinspiring. I think that every woman that has a controlling boyfriend should readthis story. It is written very well. The way that William controls his wifereminds me of my best friend and her boyfriend. He is always controlling her. Before they started going out, we used to go out for lunch two or three times aweek. It was so nice, spending time with her outside of our hectic lives. Butafter they started going out, everything changed. It wasnt very cool either. I really wish that it hadnt changed. One day after like weeks of not talkingto my best friend, someone came over to tell me that a person had keyed her car. I couldnt believe it. That person also told me that my best friend thoughtthat I had done it. I didnt know what to say. I was to shocked to believe it. So I decided to confront her. Before her chemistry lab, I went and talked toher. She said she thought that it was I, but it left her mind after like amillisecond. But just the thought that she thought it was me, it got me upset. We talked for like 5 hours, and everything was cool. I thought that we would becool forever. And then she started hanging around with her soon-to-be boyfriend. I heard less and less from her. I wrote her, but got no responses. I justfigured that she was busy. So I decided to page her. I didnt get any answer. I didnt know what to think. I was upset. I thought that our relationship wasgoing down. Then her boyfriend and her started going out. And things wentdownhill from there. We didnt talk for weeks. When I needed help to solve aproblem in my life, she was not there for me. I started hanging out with thisguy that I met in summer school, and I never thought that him and I would becomelike brother and sister. I wish that she could have been there for me. I wantedto tell her so much about my life. But she wasnt. I paged her, called her,but I never got any answer. Then one day, I decided to write her and ask her tolunch. She responded and we got together. I asked her what was going on with herlife. She said that her life has been really hectic. I asked her why shehasnt responded to my emails or phone calls. She said that her and herboyfriend have been having problems. I told her I was sorry to hear that. Shesaid that her boyfriend had become to controlling, and the day before that, theyhad a huge fight and she started screaming at him. I didnt know what to say. .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .postImageUrl , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:hover , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:visited , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:active { border:0!important; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:active , .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63 .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uff2af49b5b83e35e5c66170e163a0a63:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Jackie robinson EssayShe said that she started writing I have a boyfriend who is toocontrolling on her paper. I really didnt know what to say. I mean theyhave been going out for over two years. Anyway, the whole point of this story isthat her boyfriend wants her to hang out with who he thinks is appropriate. Andthat is not right. My best friend and her boyfriend are different religions, andhe thinks that his religion is more superior, and that hers sucks. It is true. He has even said it. I wish he wasnt that controlling. I want her to get outof the relationship, but I dont think she can because she is too attached. And one day, if she isnt careful, she is going to turn out like Nora. Playingcards and chess with the next door neighbors when her husband isnt home tosee her talk to other people. That is just very sad. I really think it is. Imglad that I got to see Nora stand on her own two feet. Im glad that shewalked away and made her husband realize what was wrong with him. I hope that mybest friend does that to her boyfriend one day. I really do. No girl or womandeserves to be treated like a piece of meat. I will not take that from anyone. Idont take it from my boyfriend. We, as women, should be allowed to livehowever we want when we want. I think that women should stand up to the guythats controlling them and just say Shove it up yours and walk away. Ihope that one day those women like Nora stand up to their husbands.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Juicy Couture Essay Example
Juicy Couture Essay Background of the Brand/Property: 1. Juicy Couture is perceived as a luxurious, exciting and fun brand that is designed with a strong sense of whimsy. It is a brand that produces collections of clothing, accessories, jewelry and fragrances created for women, men, children, and dogs. The current guest creative director for Juicy Couture, Erin Fetherston, describes the brand as ‘totally free-spirited and fun-loving. ’ Juicy Couture is marketed as a high-end clothing line at an affordable price, and is aimed at women ages 15–45. Out of this range, teens are their core clientele. They also have clothes and accessories for children, babies, and pets. Juicy Couture products are carried in a variety of venues but were at first only carried in very few locations such as Neiman Marcus. The company didn’t establish exclusive boutiques and flagship stores until 2006. Juicy Couture also has a plus-size line called ‘Extra Juicy’, which was exclusive to Nordstrom but is now widely available. There are 62 full-price retail stores in the United States and 18 more internationally throughout Europe and Asia. The clothes are also carried by high-end department stores and specialty boutiques. The company also operates more than 30 outlet stores in the United States and has products for sale through their website, which was previously operated by Neiman Marcus but Juicy Couture is taking its e-commerce business in-house. 2. The current product categories available under the Juicy Couture name are women’s clothes, including everything from dresses to tracksuits to sleepwear and accessories, handbags, shoes, and jewelry. They have also expanded into swimwear and watches. We will write a custom essay sample on Juicy Couture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Juicy Couture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Juicy Couture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They offer a young girls line and some dog accessories. Juicy Couture also produces a separate, higher-priced line of clothes called Bird. Juicy Couture also has eyewear and fragrances that they produce, both men’s and women’s. Other interesting product categories that Juicy distributes are cosmetics, Barbie dolls, and computer accessories. Juicy Couture’s top competitors are The Gap, Guess? , and HM. Juicy Couture’s price points are quite higher than those of the top competitors but they do, however, deliver a higher quality product to their customers along with a more exclusive brand image. 3. According to Women’s Wear Daily, Juicy Couture launched a new fragrance for women in September with Elizabeth Arden called Peace, Love, and Juicy Couture. Elizabeth Arden also produces all of the other Juicy Couture fragrances. Juicy Couture and Movado Group have a long-term, worldwide licensing agreement to design, produce, and market a collection of watches under the Juicy Couture and Couture Couture brand names. The collections launched in fall 2006 and are sold throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Juicy Couture also licenses their eyewear with Safilo Group, a leader in the premium eyewear sector. They have the right to design, manufacture, and distribute optical frames, sunglasses, and related eyewear products for the Juicy Couture brand. This partnership was formed in 2005. Schwartz and Benjamin Incorporated own the Juicy Couture footwear licenses. Juicy Couture also licenses their swimwear business. The licensee for this is Swimwear Anywhere, Incorporated. In 2008, Juicy also signed a license agreement with Maclaren Strollers. 4. Although Juicy Couture is owned by Liz Claiborne Incorporated, the former co-creative directors and current creative director have always had control over the design and marketing of the company. A signature advertising technique used by Juicy Couture is to send thousands of free outfits to celebrities, fashion editors, and stylists every year. Prior to Juicy Couture being bought by Liz Claiborne, this was the only way they advertised. Juicy began their widespread advertising program with the launch of their first women’s fragrance. Advertisements ran in magazines have always been very fun and exaggerated. For the first fragrance advertisements, a woman with an oversized red bow in her hair and a tattooed man are drinking from straws out of a perfume bottle that says ‘Juicy Couture’. Their advertisements are always light hearted and entertaining, something that is attractive to consumers who are tired of hearing about the recession and hard times that have been had. After this, Juicy advertised for their total lifestyle collections as well as their growing line of perfumes. The Juicy Couture brand is known for its whimsical styles and this idea is carried all the way through to the retail stores. Store displays include big vases filled with candy and faux mounted wildlife, like a moose, decorated with Juicy Couture jewelry. Some would even consider the fact that the designers of Juicy produced a handbag that read ‘Choose Juicy’ across the front in large block letters advertising. And this doesn’t just hold true for this one particular bag, Juicy Couture is known for splashing their name across articles of their clothing and on nameplates on many of their jewelry pieces. This is easy way for the company to advertise makes their products well known and sought-after. 5. The Juicy Couture retail stores are the epitome of the Juicy look and attitude. They are over the top and totally glamorous. The decor within the stores are unique and pleases the senses. As mentioned above, there are vases of candy scattered around the stores, along with other unexpected touches. There is no comparison when viewing the Juicy Couture website and thinking of the store that you just shopped in, the two fuses together perfectly. Colors that pop and draw the customer’s attention are a must. As well as unusual displays, which make one feel that they are not shopping at a regular store. They are shopping in a ‘Juicy’ world and that is precisely the impression that the company wishes to bring to their customers. Suggestion and opinion on licensing efforts: 1. I believe that Juicy Couture monitors the quality and look of every category of products that they license in order for them to fit within the brand image. When Juicy Couture started out as a very small and privately owned company, the designers had a very clear vision built for the company. They had always been very fun and cheeky with their designs and business approach. When Liz Claiborne bought the company, the founders and designers, Gela Nash-Taylor and Pamela Skaist Levy, stayed with the company as co-creative directors to make sure that the company’s vision wouldn’t get lost while the company was expanding. This gave the designers the opportunity to expand their line into a complete lifestyle brand with the help of Liz Claiborne in the financial, manufacturing, and distributing aspects of the business. All of the licensees for the Juicy brand understand that it has a certain image to withhold and this, along with the quality products that they produce to be sold under the Juicy name, are the reason why Juicy has licensed out the right for them to produce their products. If the purpose of good licensing is for all of the product categories to merge together seamlessly under one brand name, Juicy Couture has accomplished this task. 2. Juicy Couture has a pretty extensive distribution channel. Being that they are a large company, this is definitely a necessity. However, some people may argue that Juicy Couture has lost its exclusivity because their distribution is too wide spread. Juicy Couture seemed to have realized this a few years ago when they realized that their men’s business wasn’t working very well. They discontinued manufacturing and distributing clothes for men but still, however, produce a men’s fragrance. Right now, I think that Juicy Couture is permeating the exact market that they wish to be. They are an extremely well known company, their claim to fame being their unforgettable velour and terry cloth tracksuits, and popular companies should have widespread distribution to be made available to their large target market. In the case of them losing exclusivity, I don’t think that that’s something to be worried about. The Juicy Couture label has always been positioned at a better price point and not all consumers who want to be proud owners of Juicy Couture products can be. Also, the brand has created a separate line called Bird, which is a higher priced collection with a not so widespread distribution. By extending their brand to contain a higher priced line, they are increasing the exclusivity for that collection and allowing the regular Juicy Couture line to seem in reach to many consumers. The brand has over 80 stores within the United States, as well as stores overseas in Asia and Europe, they also operate about 30 retail outlets within the United States. The line is also distributed in a number of department and specialty stores and is also available on their e-commerce website. 3. I would say that all of the marketing efforts made on Juicy Couture’s behalf, including their advertising, web site, and store displays, are consistent with the brand. The people who operate all divisions of marketing and visual merchandising make sure that a clear and distinct brand image is seen throughout their company. Due to this seamless marketing strategy, Juicy Couture has secured a large loyal customer base. They also attract new consumers by adding product lines, such as watches and fragrance, while sticking to their signature over the top and interesting advertising program. Although Juicy Couture has been ever expanding since being sold to Liz Claiborne, their advertisements are cohesive throughout all product categories. 4. Juicy Couture has their toes in many product categories, ranging from women’s and children’s collection to computer accessories. Although I’m sure that there are some products that Juicy Couture could introduce to their plethora of already existing lines, the failure of their men’s clothing line could be a tell tale sign that there’s no need for them to over saturate their markets. Juicy Couture has been around long enough for the company to know what works with their target customer. To continue to grow and evolve within their current markets would be the best strategy for them in my eyes and maybe down the road try to introduce a new product category or line.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Social Media YouTube essay
Social Media YouTube essay Social Media: YouTube essay Social Media: YouTube essayToday, social media play an increasingly more important role in the life of society because users spend a lot of time online and they view social media as an important source of information about issues which users are concerned with. YouTube, being one of the mainstream social media, allows users to share their videos online, create their channels and, thus, create their virtual communities united by common interests. YouTube also becomes a tool of the promotion of individuals and ideas because users can use the social media to promote themselves and their ideas. In such a situation, the distinct feature of YouTube is its performativity because users publishing their videos on YouTube focus on their performativity. Otherwise, they will not attract many users and become virtually useless for other users of YouTube but the authors of those videos (Lombe Ssewamala 39). Hence, the performativity is not only the distinct feature of YouTube but also an essentia l condition of success of videos published on YouTube, whereas the public grows too concerned with the performativity that often leads to the failure of the audience to notice really significant and important issues, while perfomrability become prior to the cultural and social value of videos and messages published on YouTube. In such a way, the performativity of YouTube has a dubious effect, since, on the one hand, YouTube performativity makes it attractive and powerful social media allowing sharing visual data by users worldwide, while, on the other hand, YouTube performativity has a de structive impact on the existing legal and socio-cultural or ethical norms because often data published on YouTube violate basic rights, such as privacy or copyright, and offend existing ethical norms.At the same time, social media became generators of the mainstream culture and new trends. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the fact that the development of social media, like YouTube, opens new opportunities for the development of virtual social communities united by their common interests. Users spend more and more time online developing their virtual social relations online. Social media become an important part of their life and virtual communities created with the help of and within social media play an important part in the development of socio-cultural norms and standards that affect the development of basic ethical and cultural norms of people and influence their lifestyle substantially.YouTube has become a highly influential media which is extremely popular among users worldwide. Today, YouTube has millions or even billions of users worldwide. This is one of the most popular social media along with FaceBook, Twitter and others. The popularity of YouTube is closely intertwined with the publishing opportunity offered by the social media because users can publish their videos both documentary and featured ones. In such a way, users get ample opportunities to share th eir videos instantly. At the same time, the distinct feature of YouTube is its perfomrability because it is the performativity of videos that attracts users and the more performable a video is the more users will watch it, the more popular it becomes.Even though YouTube focuses on sharing videos mainly, the social media still opens wide opportunities for users to share their creative ideas and make them performable. Users may be driven by different concerns, while publishing their videos and sharing information with others. Some of them may be willing to publishing some interesting facts recorded by them in the real world, while others manifest their creativity with the help of YouTube.YouTube allows watching diverse videos and channels which may vary in their content. However, the popularity of videos determines their availability to the audience that influences the perception of information by the audience. For instance, the video that has the highest number of views becomes more and more popular and becomes mainstream, even though in its essence the video may have little cultural value or poor messages (Warr 291). In fact, the point is to make videos performable. The overwhelming majority of users publishing their videos on YouTube are concerned with the popularity of their videos than their content. Such a competition encourages users to focus on performativity of their videos above all.What makes YouTube really popular and mainstream social media is its performativity because the audience receive what it wants and expects from the media, the performance, the show and entertainment with the possibility of the further communication and even interaction with other users of YouTube. For instance, users publishing the video on YouTube may expect the positive feedback from other users. If they receive a negative feedback, they may become interested in creating a new video to match the public interests. In such a way, videos become more and more performable to g ain the positive feedback from the part of other users watching them on YouTube.However, often the quantity of views determines the popularity of videos in YouTube and users erroneously associate the quality of the video with the number of views. In other words, they may believe that if the video has a large number of views, than it is good and mainstream.Furthermore, users can leave comments after the video that also contributes to the formation of specific ideas because users may conduct disputes as they leave their comments.Furthermore, videos published on YouTube may encourage users to publish their video responses that contribute to the further attraction of the users’ attention to the issue that has become the subject of controversy or dispute between users.The popularity of YouTube is, to a significant extent, determined by the interest of the audience in visual information. In fact, it is not the interest proper. To put it more precisely, users prefer YouTube because this social media provides them with visual messages which are preferable for the public than print messages for instance (Warr 290). As people perceive the information about the surrounding world with the help of vision, they naturally choose YouTube in place of other social media because they have an opportunity to receive visual information that facilitates their perception of messages conveyed via YouTube.At the same time, it is necessary to take the commercial background and opportunities offered by YouTube to its users. For instance, users can benefit from the cooperation with advertisers but they need to make their videos and channels popular to attract more advertisers. In such a way, YouTube offers business opportunities for users that stimulates the development of diverse channels to meet current demands of the public or create new ones.Social Media: YouTube essay part 2
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Cause And Effects Of Smog Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay
Cause And Effects Of Smog Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Smog pollution is a major problem that this planet is suffering from everyday. It has affected our homes, weather, and health. It is a very dangerous situation for us if we do not do anything about it. Smog pollution is caused by chemicals, automobiles, factories and corporations. The greatest thing we can do as a society is try to find a way to help prevent and stop smog pollution. If the people on this planet do not do anything to stop smog pollution we are going to have a BIG problem and it will hurt us in the future. We need a plan and we need to put a stop to smog pollution. The American Lung Association (ALA) has been trying to find ways to help stop and prevent smog pollution from hurting us and the environment. If we can just do our part and find a way to prevent this problem from getting any bigger, it will benefit us all. We all have heard of smog pollution, but do we really know what it is. Smog pollution has many causes that can be hazardous and dangerous to our health a nd well being. The term smog pollution is also known as photochemical smog. It is formed by the interaction with sunlight with different types of chemicals in earth’s atmosphere (Oblack). The main component of smog pollution or photochemical pollution is ozone. Ozone is in the earth’s stratosphere, which the shields the earth from dangerous UV radiation from the sun. The problem with ozone is when it touches down on the earth’s surface it can be very dangerous and can cause serious health problems for people on the planet (Oblack). The ground level ozone is made by the emissions of automobiles that put nitrogen oxide into the air, which is caused by the vehicle’s exhaust fumes (Oblack). The organic components from the fumes combined with the ozone and fume evaporation that combines with sunlight, causes smog pollution on the planet (Oblack). Many people try to find ways to help avoid smog in a more planet friendly environment, so some people use substitut es for their everyday use. There is just one problem with that, and that is the sun. Many people don’t understand that sunlight and warm climates cause pollution. For example, places like California, Florida, and Arizona and even North America are some of the most polluted places in the country (Oblack). Another problem that causes an increase in smog pollution is the increased usage of fossil fuels for industrial, heating, and of course transportation purposes (â€Å"All that smog†). Also, cutting down, burning trees, and disposing of agricultural and organic waste can also lead to emissions of smog pollution and harmful problems for the planet (â€Å"All that Smog†). Sunlight mixed with different types of dangerous chemicals (secondary pollution) also makes it difficult to stop smog pollution from occurring on the surface of the planet (â€Å"All that Smog†), which creates another big problem. Climate is a major factor for the cause of smog pollution. M any places in the world can try to be more environmental friendly to help save our planet. Some people ride bicycles instead of driving cars. Other people try to reduce their use of using fire to warm themselves. The only problem that these people cannot get away from is something that they cannot control, and that is the sun. California is ranked in the top 10 most polluted areas in the United States. Ozone pollution that is caused by the sun has a major affect on this planet. Smog and air pollution is having a serious impact on the environment and can condemn all ecosystems (â€Å"seirraclub†). The reason why the sun causes so many problems is because the ozone layer that is supposed to protect planet earth is practically destroyed. Without the protection, the sun is able to shine radiation onto the planet and is the main reason for many health issues that people go through every day. Issues like skin cancer, radiation poisoning, and sun burn are having fatal affects on peo ple. This type of pollution not only harms humans, but it can also harm wild life and the environment. Smog can harm different plants, which can lead to damaging consequences. Because the plants are damaged, it makes it hard for plants to make and save food for themselves in their living environment (â€Å"seirraclub†). In addition, the sun and smog can destroy leaves and plants it would make many of the plants vulnerable to getting diseases. And, they cannot defend themselves from different types of bugs and insects that can cause a huge decrease in plant life (â€Å"seirraclub†). Smog pollution is a yearly problem for places like Texas, Georgia, Florida, and many other southern and sunny parts of the world, but there is also a big increase in smog pollution in the summer (â€Å"seirraclub†). This is caused by strong sunlight that burns the earth’s surface. However, the one thing that is helping smog pollution is all of the problems that are on this plan et. All of the power plants, automobile emissions, industrial, and chemical vapors are other causes of pollution (â€Å"seirraclub†). Climate changes are part of the problem as well. Within the months of June, July, and August, it makes it harder to try and control the smog pollution, due to the sun. This planet has gone through billions of years of evolution. It survived dinosaurs, the ice age, and the black plague, but because of smog pollution this planet might not be able to survive this new attack.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
John Dewey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
John Dewey - Essay Example The community as a whole, through formal laws and customs, codifies behavior that ultimately commits individuals to a specific course of action. Such predictable actions are required for community life. The schools function as socializing agencies, internalizing the child's recognition of social duties and the will to carry them out. Dewey insisted that social ties, like the parent-child relationship, are natural. The mutual responsibilities corresponding to these specific stations are therefore intrinsic and binding. By nurturing the social spirit of the child, an habitual disposition to act out of social service and for the common good will becomes manifest. Pursuit of self-advantage and infidelity to one's social responsibilities is a primary evil according to Dewey. Freedom and social responsibility are not incompatible. Social authority is natural and inevitable, not a necessary limitation on personal freedom. Throughout his writings, Dewey retained the Hegelian insight that man achieves human qualities and fulfillment by participating in the enhancement of community life. Individuals should identify the social good as their own true good by perceiving the values and common interests that bind people together. Their freedom and happiness ultimately depend upon it. Individuals should obey the la... However, in advocating policy changes, they must persuade others voluntarily. The burden of proof is upon them to demonstrate how a specific law or practice fails to serve the common good. Dewey's theory of democracy was designed to reconcile freedom with authority, social stability with the need for reform, and universal standards with specific circumstances. He substantively refined Lockean individualism, which is popularly associated with the modern liberal tradition. Dewey comprehensively applied these insights to the reform of education. Once again, many critics mistakenly identify him with the radical, subjectivist approach of progressive education. Dewey denounced the progressive educator's romantic fetish for the "natural child." The child-centered school provided no standards at all; logically it culminated in anarchy. Proper teacher authority and a well-structured curriculum were indispensable. Dewey argued that, "to fail to assure them guidance and direction is not merely a permit to operate in a blind and spasmodic fashion, but it promotes the formation of habits of immature, undeveloped, and egoistic activity." (Dewey, 1930) Indulging a child's selfish whims would lead to an arrest of growth and the disintegration of personality. The development of mental powers follows certain laws of growth. The fact that a child might desire something does not mean that it is in fact desirable. That judgment can be determined only after critical reflection. (Dewey, 1929) The glorification of the spontaneous and immediately enjoyable also stunted the child's capacity to understand contemporary social life. These students were not socially responsible or cognizant of the forces of industrial civilization. While
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Human and Plant Physiology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Human and Plant Physiology - Coursework Example The mesophyll tissue, which is made up of spongy cells, and palisade cells contain a huge number of chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll (a green pigment) which absorbs light energy during photosynthesis. The leaf’s palisade tissue contains the greatest concentration of chloroplasts and it is in this tissue where most photosynthesis takes place (Adds, Larkcom, and Miller 2004, p3). Explain the Exchange of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide between the Plant and Its Environment Gaseous exchange indicates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the plant and its environment or surrounding. There are two processes of gaseous exchange, photosynthetic gas exchange and respiratory gas exchange. In photosynthetic gas exchange, carbon dioxide is taken up and oxygen given off by the plant. On the other hand, in respiratory gas exchange, the plant takes up oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide. The process that predominates at a certain time can be determined at the leaf surfac e of the assimilating plant. Respiratory carbon dioxide escapes when it is dark. Under optimal conditions for assimilation, photosynthesis is maintained by the utilization of carbon dioxide set free through respiration. This state of compensation is only evident when the process of gas exchange is shut off. It is important to note that gas exchange between the plant cells and its surroundings or the environment takes place by mass flow and diffusion (Larcher 2003, p91). Explain the Uptake of Water and Minerals by the Plant After the diffusion of mineral-rich soil water into the roots, the water reaches the vascular cylinder of the root through two ways, (a) by diffusing through the cell wall, and (b) by moving through the cytoplasm. Water enters the cytoplasm through the diffusion across the plasma membrane of the cell in the root’s cortex or epidermis. Dissolved mineral cannot diffuse because the membranes are impermeable to ions (Evers, Starr, and Starr 2010, p418). Mineral ions enter the cytoplasm through the active transport process in the plasma membranes. In the cytoplasm, ions and water diffuse from one cell to the cell through plasmodesmata until they enter the vascular cylinder. After water and ions enter the vascular cylinder, they are distributed to the other parts of the plant by the xylem. The plant’s cell wall is rigid but permeable to ions and water. Soil water can enter vascular cylinder by direct diffusion through the cell walls. The parenchyma cells in the root cortex are tightly packed, and they create a continuous pathway that permits the diffusion of mineral ions and water into the vascular cylinder from the epidermis. It is important to note that soil water diffusing into through the cell wall enters the vascular cylinder through the endodermal cell cytoplasm (Evers, Starr, and Starr 2010, p419). Analyse the Benefits of Exercise and the Problems Associated With Obesity There are numerous health benefits of exercise. Exercise can minimize major illnesses such as stroke, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease by up to 50 percent. Exercise can lower up to 30 percent the risk of early death in an individual. Research indicates that physical activity or exercise can boost mood, energy, sleep quality, and self-esteem. Physical activity has been shown to reduce the risk of depression, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and stress. People who do exercise regularly
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Unfulfilled Elisa in John Steinbecks The Chrysanthemums Essay
The Unfulfilled Elisa in John Steinbeck's The Chrysanthemums â€Å"The Chrysanthemums†is a short story in The Long Valley, a collection of short stories by John Steinbeck. This story dramatizes the efforts made by a housewife, Elisa Allen, to compensate for the disappointments which she has encountered in her life. Steinbeck makes it clear that Elisa yearns for something more in her life then the everyday routines of farm life. While Elisa is portrayed as strong, in the end, her strength serves to be insufficient in having the courage to effect any real change in her life since her fragile self-esteem proves to be too susceptible to outside forces. From the beginning of the short story, Steinbeck emphasizes that Elisa is a strong, competent woman who finds her considerable energy channeled into things, such as her garden, which never give her the sort of recognition or satisfaction that she craves. For a brief moment, she senses that she is capable of much more and feels her own strength only to, once again, have a man bring down her efforts, and her self-esteem. The story opens with Elisa working in her garden. Steinbeck makes a point of telling the reader that she is thirty-five. Her age at once implies a woman almost at her middle-age who may be reexamining the dreams of her youth as she contemplates the second half of her life. Steinbeck emphasizes Elisa’s strength as he writes, â€Å"Her face was eager and mature and handsome†(Steinbeck 279). Her husband, Henry, comes back to the house having just completed the sell of some cattle. He is complimentary towards her gardening and comments on her talent. He sugg ests that she put her talent to work in the orchard growing apples, and Elisa considers his offhand comment seriously,... ...’s nature which yearns for expression. For a moment, she feels she touched on such a shared intimacy with the tinker and it is easy to see why she could have been so easily mistaken because the tinker does imply that he also has that sort of aesthetic sensibility when he describes the chrysanthemums which will bloom later in the summer, â€Å"Kind of a long-stemmed flower? Looks like a quick puff of colored smoke?†(282). When the tinker casts her plants aside, it is almost as if he cast aside Elisa’s dreams as well. It’s not just this brief episode that makes Elisa’s cry, but what is really upsetting her is the thought of a future where she feels unfulfilled and unchallenged. Work Cited Steinbeck, John. "The Chrysanthemums." Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. 6th ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1995. 239-47.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Promoting Health Internationally Essay
Developing countries are beset with health crises to a greater extent than their more developed counterparts. The lack of resources and the presence of numerous demanding needs causes the insufficient allocation of such resources for the addressing of health issues. In other countries, there is simply no technology to produce the necessary cures for the bigger diseases besetting their populations. Whereas in more developed countries with greater storehouse of resources there is a greater capacity to address health problems, particularly with a more developed technological platform to work from. Not only this, but developing countries have a marked decline in addressing sanitation concerns thus making for environments more prone to diseases caused by bacteria, worms, and viruses.1 With more hygienic living conditions, this is not the observed case in developing countries. Thus, a combination of non-hygienic conditions and low access to healthcare creates atmospheres for developing nations making them more prone to experiencing severe health problems. The first concern regarding health problems in developing countries is the possibility of a disease to develop which is easily transmittable from person to person. The fear of infectious diseases, particularly the fear of such diseases causing a pandemic, has had significant impact on the manner in which the global community addresses global health problems. International agencies have come up with surveillance systems to enable member countries to report incidents of infectious diseases and to better equip non-affected nations against contamination.2 The mechanism of report requires member nations to define the nature and extent of infection of the disease. This is not particularly attractive to infected nations as the reporting of diseases would adversely affect the economy of the said country. With a fear of infection, foreign investors would lower their rates of importation. This would serve to lower the economic growth of the said country. Not only this, but tourists would be fearful of visiting said foreign country and income from such investments would also decline. The stigma against the affected country would translate to a decline in the status of their economy.            It is in this regard that health issues of individual nations affect the global view on health. The slightest change in the ability of individual countries to provide basic resources or to contribute to the global economy would affect all other countries as a result of global interconnectedness. 3 The dependence of nations, one to the other, cannot sustain the devolution of production of goods in any one nation. Apart from moral responsibilities, this is the weightiest argument to a global perspective on health promotion. The global market favors the ensuring of wealthier nations that less affluent nations will be able to participate fully in the global trade of goods.            What is not considered in this model are non-infectious diseases plaguing the developing countries around the globe. There is little incentive for global agencies to address such problems since there is no showing that the same would affect citizens of foreign nations. Although the argument for providing aid for the same due to global trade considerations still stands, there is little to no initiative from private drug companies. The primary aim of such companies being profit, they are not drawn by the clamor for lower prices required in developing countries. Thus, the trend remains for drug companies to produce drugs and cures that will answer the needs of developed countries whom they can charge higher prices for the products and services they offer. Diseases plaguing impoverished nations such as malaria, AIDS, tuberculosis and the like are given little attention although they may present greater threats than hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. This is an unfortunate as developed nations should take it upon themselves to promote health in developing nations as well. The international community would benefit to a greater extent with the improvement of all component nations. The nations in the international community should not only consider giving aid to developing nations when the diseases may spread into their own localities but even so when the diseases may be contained domestically. The interest then should not be for global regulation of domestic plagues but it should be for international interest in holistic global health.            Although drug companies refuse to focus on answering the needs of the major diseases in impoverished nations this is not to say that no organized action is being undertaken for the same. Certainly there are individuals and groups who recognize the importance of promoting health on a global scale. The World Health Organization, for example has collaborated with large pharmaceutical companies in order to bring drugs for the cure of prevalent diseases into levels of access for developing nations.4 The proposed plan is to decrease drug prices for developing nations, if the free delivery of the same is not probable, by increasing prices in affluent countries. Such a scheme would permit the subsidization of drugs by developed countries. There would thus be an equitable division of required resources in order to gain access of available cures in the market. There has also been an observed trend in scientific laboratories. Scientists capable of performing research investigating cures for diseases of poverty have shown greater inclination for the same. Funding may be an issue in the matter however, more and more charities are focusing on the aim of global health and even domestic governments are supporting the bid for finding cures for large health issues. Not only this, but movements have been made to have pharmaceutical companies share the process of production if the matter of marketing drugs at a no-profit price is not possible. Local governments or corporations could then work on producing their own drugs using the process and information shared by foreign corporations. These matters are currently being pushed by advocates worldwide. However, the international community still has much ground to cover. The problem of international health is still a major issue receiving small priority in the global scale. The problem of politicking and bureaucracy hinders advances that could be made in this field. Thus, in order to more aptly answer the problem, local policies should first be reshaped and made to realize the importance of health in the governmental platform. Furthermore, local governments should not limit themselves to addressing only their own separate needs. Garrett aptly captures the issue: Tactically, all aspects of prevention and treatment should be part of an integrated effort, drawing from countries’ finite pools of health talent to tackle all monsters at once, rather than dueling separately with individual dragons. 5 Given limited resources, in the international sense as well as in the domestic, the pooling of these same resources is the best solution to the problem of both global and local health. The vision of individual nations should be enhanced to not only address their own problems but they should start to realize the relevance in investing in a global perspective in answering health issues. Certainly, with a view of the same, advances will be made not only for short term goals of fending off singular diseases in certain nations but more so the long term goal of eradicating debilitating diseases that could potentially reappear in similar conditions or in evolved forms. The answer then is to prepare internationally for the problem of global health as the strengthening of individual platforms in individual nations will address the root issue of recurring conditions. This will serve not only to strengthen the global health system but even other sectors of concern such as trade and global relations as more and more countries invest in programs reflecting amity and gratuity. BIBILIOGRAPHY Check, Erika,â€Å"Quest for the Cure,†Foreign Policy, (2006): 28-36. Garrett, Laurie, â€Å"The Challenge of Global Health,†Foreign Affairs 86(1), (2007): 14-38. Naim, Moises and Brundtland, Gro Harlem, â€Å"The FP Interview: The Global War for Public Health,†Foreign Policy 128, (2002): 24-36. Osterholm, Michael T., â€Å"Unprepared for a Pandemic,†Foreign Affairs 86(2), (2007): 47-57. Zacher, Mark W., â€Å"Global Epidemiological Surveillance,†in Inge Kaw, Isabelle Grunberg, and Marc A. Stern, â€Å"Global Public Goods: International Cooperation in the 21st Century (eds.),†(1999), NY: UNAP.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Exercise to Practice Using the Correct Forms of Be
This exercise will give you practice in applying the principles discussed in What Are the Present and Past Forms of the Verb Be? Instructions and Exercise Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form of the verb be. Use the tense (present or past) shown in parenthesis at the end of each sentence. The Hoovers (be) driving to California in an old VW bus. (present)The Hoovers (be) driving to California in an old VW bus. (past)Dwayne (be) writing another note to his grandfather. (present)George Bailey (be) visited by an angel named Clarence. (past)The Hoovers (be) planning another road trip. (present)I (be) happy to be here. (present)You (be) talking in your sleep last night. (past)Uncle Frank (be) reading a novel when the tornado struck. (past)The Hoovers (be) disqualified. (past)The game of hopscotch (be) invented by the Romans. (past)The elephant (be) the only animal with four knees in each leg. (present)The side door (be) broken. (present)King William IVs nickname (be) Silly Billy. (past)There (be) 206 bones in the human body. (present)Richard (be) once a motivational speaker. (past) Answers The Hoovers are driving to California in an old VW bus.The Hoovers were driving to California in an old VW bus.Dwayne is writing another note to his grandfather.George Bailey was visited by an angel named Clarence.The Hoovers are planning another road trip.I am happy to be here.You were talking in your sleep last night.Uncle Frank was reading a novel when the tornado struck.The Hoovers were disqualified.The game of hopscotch was invented by the Romans.The elephant is the only animal with four knees in each leg.The side door is broken.King William IVs nickname was Silly Billy.There are 206 bones in the human body.Richard was once a motivational speaker.
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